Sunday, June 26, 2011

update on Brady's plans for the future....

First he is going to live in Hawaii while he is in the Navy.....Then when he retires, he is going to be a cowboy in the "Old West", then he is going to move to New York City, but he's not sure if he is going to live in Brooklyn or just plain New York

Cool pics

Rach took these on her itouch.....thought they were cool!

And the award goes to......

Honor roll certificate from Mrs. Anderson (Principal), Student Councel Representative recognition from Mrs. Anderson (Gym teacher), Consistency Award from Mr. Tracy. Great Year Rach!!!

Heart to Heart

Brady, on June 10th, was laying in the floor in Rachel's bedroom while Rachel and I were doing a devotion. He stopped us and asked me how does he make sure that he knows Jesus and goes to heaven. So Rachel and I answered a lot of his questions and just tried to help him put all the pieces together. He was very emotional, which was very surprising to me, and he said the sweetest prayer asking Jesus to come into his heart. With a child so young, it is hard to tell if they truly understand what they are they really mean it??? But what I do know is that my children and myself had a real heart to heart that night and I know that God was working in Brady's all of our hearts!

Happy 36th Birthday Daddy!

He just always gets sooo excited to blow out his candle! Just can't settle him down sometimes......

Still Dancing....

Another wonderful recital! She dances with ease and never misses a beat! She has a true hearts desire to dance, and a mind to remember it all. You are a blessing Rach!

The Graduate...

There is a train coming at full speed. I put out my hands and stand strong, pushing against the front of it as hard as I can to stop it....but it is too powerful. It just keeps going. I can hear it and feel it, I can climb aboard and enjoy the ride. I can take detours and see beautiful scenery. It can be scary and dark. But as hard as I try, I can't stop has a destination. That is how I feel when I think about my children. I want to hang on for dear life, I want to stop them from growing one more day. Where did the baby days go? The toddler years? Preschool? And now Kindergarten for Brady has come and gone. And so I listen and hear them, I hug them to feel them, and I try my hardest to enjoy the ride. I try to take detours and slow down and see the beauty in God's creation. There are scary times and hard days....but mostly joy. I can't seem to stop the time. They are headed, we are all headed, for our final destination. May my children desire to follow God down the tracks of their life!

Congratulations Brady! You had an awesome year.......

Ahhh, the beautiful outdoors!

Campfires and S'mores, hiking and biking, food and friends, goats and peacocks, swimming and playing games in the rain..........that's what it's all about! We have gone on two camping trips this year so far. Hidden Acres and Nature's Campsites. The Filiatreault's (Bill, DeeDee, Willis and Lucy) joined us for the fun! And we must not forget the climb to Mt. Misery......we figured out why it is called Mt. Misery:) I am so thankful for our little camper, for our friends and for God's beautiful creations!!!

Easter 2011

Hosanna! Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!!!!


One step forward and two steps back....that is how Gramma and Grandpa feel some days. It seems there is always something new to worry about, some new trial, but the progress that is being made is amazing! The movement in the arms, followed by some ability to grasp with his fingers. They have been putting him on the machine called the loco mat that stands him up and works his legs. They are now standing him up and holding him up with a special waist band. Some hold him up while others help him take steps. Amazing!!! We still don't know, and won't for some time, what his abilities will be, but we do know that he has made great progress in these short months. Gramma has been right by his side the whole time and they are getting through all of this together. We can't wait for them to be home and settled, but we want him to get as much help in Atlanta as possible. To God be the glory!!!