Monday, April 26, 2010

Harkness Memorial Park

We went with Gramma to Harkness while she was here. It was a nice outing. We got to walk and the kids rode their bikes and Gracie got to be outside...her favorite place! We had a great visit with Gramma that just always goes by way too fast. Happy days!

Easter 2010

Easter eggs, Easter egg hunt, dinner with family and friends, Gramma's wonderful company, and just a wonderful day!!!! But most of all, My savior who died for me and Rose again so that I may live!!! Thank you Jesus, Thank you Father for giving your son, Thank you for my family and loved ones....

She's ONLY nine!!!!

My mom wrote me a poem when I was nine years old, it hangs on my wall even now. It ends with the phrase "For after all, she is "only" nine." That was always the joke with my mom because I was the baby and she was always making excuses of why I didn't have to do certain things (which worked nicely for me) and at that time....I was only 9! Well, now my baby is "only" 9 and I can't even believe it. Now she will probably have a different story because she is the oldest and she has always been VERY capable of many things, so she probably wishes I would let her out of doing things because of her age:) I am so proud of her....she will always be MY baby!!!

Afewerk (A.J.)

He's finally here! Precious and beautiful! I know this has been an emotionally exhausting, joyful, scary, and absolutely amazing experience for Jody and Shannon. It has been a great priviledge to have been through 2 adoptions now. Renee and Brandon had the same experience just a few years ago when they adopted Reese. Now, I am only the Auntie, so ofcourse I haven't experienced it to the fullest like they have, but as close as our family is, it is such a big deal to all of us. To experience the love that one can have for someone so different, so far away, someone we don't even know yet is so amazing. I am so proud of each and every one of my neices and nephews. I love the relationship that I have with each one of them and I love what my children learn from each one of them. We live so far away, but the love between all of them is so precious...I look forward to one day living close enough to be a part of some of the every day events in their lives....but until then......there's phones and computers and planes and trains and automobiles!!!!!!

Heroes in love...

Brady is all into the Sonic characters from the Wii. He is always playing, pretending to be them and ofcourse telling me what to say. I wish I could remember all of the cute things he says while playing, but this one was great. Brady was being Sonic and I was Sonic's mom. He ofcourse told me what to say beforehand and this is how our "play" went. SONIC-"Mom, is it ok if I'm a superhero and if I am in love" MOM-"no, I don't think you are old enough" SONIC-yes I am mom, Amy is so cute and she wants to be in love with a superhero because she has a big hammer" MOM- "ok, I guess you can be a superhero and be in love" Brady (Sonic) proceeded to "call" Amy and tell her but her dad answered so he said "I was wondering if I could be in love with your daughter, I'm a superhero" He pretended to listen to her dad and he said it was ok too. I absolutely LOVE the imagination of that boy!!!!! :) And it was so nice of him to ask permission from her father......he's well on his way!