Friday, June 26, 2009


Rach had to go to the ER yesterday here in Paducah. We just got here for our long visit and she fell on Mom and Dad's brick steps and sliced her knee. It was a big deal to would have been to me to...I've never had that happen. But she was very brave and did very well. I got to thinking how thankful I am for hospitals and medical procedures and medicine and insurance! Just a year ago we were at Yale Children's Hospital with Brady's low blood platelets...scary, yet also "fixable"......I am thankful for "fixed" children and somewhere to take them to get "fixed"..... She wanted her Daddy.....but Me, MawMaw, Gramma, Nae Nae and a few others made was pretty funny how so many of us ended up there for a cut knee.......Only in our family.....I Love my family!!!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Full of emotion

I just feel all sorts of emotions right now. Excited, sad, fearful, anxious, Thankful, etc..... A trip home, a hubby in the war zone, saying goodbye to friends that are being stationed elsewhere, a possiblity of a new adopted nephew in the family, and many many other blessings in my life! And even getting a new puppy soon..........I think I'm crazy!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Missing our Daddy

I guess I just got so used to 3 month patrols, not 6 month deployments. At this point we would be over halfway of a patrol.......but we're not that close for this one. I continue to be blessed with wonderful family and friends in my life and I know that time is going to continue to tick tock away.....but some days, it's just hard. I miss him. We miss him. Brady now talks about him a lot, about the little things that he does with Daddy. They both deal with it, just like I do, we do fine.....but we miss him.

Friday, June 5, 2009

How could I ask for more?

A roof that is over my head;
a warm and cozy bed.

A husband who loves me so;
and to war, he's willing to go.

Two children so bright and happy;
they are such a blessing to me.

A family so willing to roam;
to wherever we call "home."

Friends I've met along the way;
each unique in their own way.

Laughter and joy that fill my heart;
God's presence in each new day I start.

My life is full, I stand in awe;
for I do not need anything at all.

Nothing, that is, on earth you see;
I have my Savior and He has me.

How could I ask for more?